===========================================install=================================================== 1. unzip file phpproxy.zip to the your specialfied dir£¬for example: phpproxy£¬note:your url that points to this dir does not contain any string like http or https. for example,http://yourdomain.com/http/phpproxy/index.php, this url is illegal£¬phpproxy does not work! 2.upload the dir phpproxy to your server¡£ 3.if you want use phpproxy's advanced feather£¬you can modify file CONFIG.PHP to meet your need!this step may be ignored£¬directly go to the 4 step¡£ 4.that is ok! enter url in your browser: http://path/to/phproxy/index.php.now you can surf¡£ ===========================================requirements=================================================== need enabled function fsockopen(); optional,if you want to browser https website£¬you need install openssl moudule or curl moudule£¡